Peikko® TERADOWEL® Rectangular Plate Dowel Load Transfer Systems - for providing load transfer during the construction of formed free-movement contraction joints
TERADOWEL® is a cost-effective load transfer system with class leading load transfer capabilities for free-movement contraction joints in concrete floors designed for use with traditional methods of formed joint construction with timber formwork. They are suitable for building all types of ground-level floor slabs, such as jointed or jointless, ground-bearing and pile-supported concrete floors.

DUO-DOWEL Multi-directional Plate Dowel Load Transfer Systems - for providing load transfer during the construction of formed free-movement contraction joints
DUO-DOWEL is a multi-directional plate dowel system that covers both triangular and rectangular orientation with the same sleeve. Designed to be used with conventional timber formwork on most ground slab construction joints.